Saturday, February 19, 2005

saturday work

today i have destination imagination regionals. i am the team manager for a group of kids. they compete by improving. i am afraid they are in deep shit. oh well, i called meetings, they refused to show up. well, i am off.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

hump day thoughts

well, today is wednesday. as my wife described it, "humpday". yeah, just trying to get over the hump. tomorrow will be a whole new set of problems to deal with. marital problems are really bubbling in the vaughn household. i am pretty fed up with it all. as andre 3000 put it, "why are we so in denial, if we can both see we arn't happy here?" i am not going to go into detail, but ung, it's bad.

more thoughts on Brooklyn. i want to live there, the more and more i think about it. i want to get out of texas and change my life forever. i want things to change for good. i want to wake up each morning with something else to look at. i just want to feel something. really.

uil meet this weekend, more work. DI meeting as well. work work work. lesson plans are out of control. i think i am a month behind. taks writing test next week. arggg

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

interesting thought

so i have decided that somehow, even if it means sacrificing my career, i want to live in NYC. i am not sure how i will accomplish this, but somehow i will. monty tells me the only place i could afford to live there is in brooklyn, which sounds incredible anyway. the city, even in pictures, screams life and living. i want to feel it and live it. i dont know how to...but i will.

Monday, February 14, 2005

greatest city in the world

i know monty always says NYC is the greatest city in the world. maybe he is right. great site

open a book

to mr. monty, from

a definition for fantastic:

1. Quaint or strange in form, conception, or appearance.
1. Unrestrainedly fanciful; extravagant: fantastic hopes.
2. Bizarre, as in form or appearance; strange: fantastic attire; fantastic behavior.
3. Based on or existing only in fantasy; unreal: fantastic ideas about her own superiority.
3. Wonderful or superb; remarkable: a fantastic trip to Europe.

obviously i did not mean the 3rd definition...
