Tuesday, March 01, 2005

tuesday benchmark

today was benchmark day for my poor beleaguered children. i know they are sick and tired of tests, but the district keeps pushing them and i, their teacher, can't really protect them from the stupidity of beauracracy. instead, i am just another cog in the machine, much like them. if i argued against it, i would be tossed out as defective. i am under a lot of pressure right now by the powers that be, and i am falling behind on a lot of stuff. spring break is looming and the work must be completed soon.

personal issues seem to be abating, but we shall see, won't we? i never can tell how shit actually is until it stands up and punches me in the crotch.

this afternoon i have 4 classes. i had two classes this morning. but they were erased because of the benchmarking. so what do i do for my afternoon classes? ung, this is not easy. i will figure this out somehow.

enough for now.


Blogger .:pseudonym:. said...

hoo boy seems like you have it the same way i do. bloody stressed. take care alright

btw, my new address for my blog is 'neednitrox' replace the 'requisite'
too many pple i personally know, who has my adress. just weird. i always value your comments. though i won't be posting for a while now. hope you can find your way there. oh and you're the first person i'm telling the new address. hah

March 3, 2005 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger WDV said...

nice to hear from you. why arn't you posting as much? busy?

March 4, 2005 at 10:37 AM  
Blogger .:pseudonym:. said...

yes busy.. pretty much.. my final year project presentation just passed, last saturday. i'm happy now. :) but exams are also coming so.. bloody hell. just one more month in the system!

March 7, 2005 at 7:19 AM  

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